Friday, October 26, 2007

25.01 path place transition analysis IV

Plan Sheet 1:
(top) base b&w figure diagram; base x-ray diagram; (mid) diagram/diagrams; (bot) reference diagrams.
Plan Sheet 2: (top) path; (mid) place; (bot) transition.
Plan Sheet 3: (top) path+place; (mid) path+transition; (bot) place+transition.
Plan Sheet 4: (top) path+place+transition; (mid) place external as dashed/internal as solid; (bot) positive/negative.

Notes: a re-assembly and refinement of previous diagrams; manifest ordering; constants and variables; major/minor; transformational sequences of diagrams. Sheet size is 24 x 36; the scale of the isometrics must be the same scale as the plans; isometrics are hidden line output from formZ; use Illustrator to color isos; all diagrams must show format box or volume.

See Le Corbusier transformations.

plan sheets due: Mon. 10/29 8:00 am; upload 4 AI plan presentations.