Friday, September 14, 2007

08.01 constructed isometrics

Using formZ draft, construct isometrics derived from your cross-mapped diagrams. Construct an isometric diagram for each layer of each file (total: 15 isometrics).
  • make a copy of each cross-mapped file and organize it into 5 layers as follows: white, black, extension white, extension black, format.
  • eliminate any redundant elements or lines.
  • save as a copy Adobe Illustrator version Illustrator 8.  Give the file a different name.
  • launch formZ; import the Illustrator 8 document; check button Import Draft.
  • use scale uniform/self to scale all of the layers from 10" to 80' (scale factor: 96).
  • create new layers: iso-white; iso-black; iso-ext white; iso-ext black; iso-format.
  • draft a segment 10' length (rotate line 45 degrees).
  • copy the rotated segment as needed as you construct the isometrics.
  • use the following formZ draft tools as needed; segment, snap to point; snap to intersection; ortho snap; ortho + diagonal snap; set layer; query attributes; measure; translate/continuous copy, set layer, trim open.
See isometric presentation.

Due: Mon. 09/17 8:00 am; submit formZ files to server at \\archlab\BRN_2501